My first experience with a crisis pregnancy center was made much more interesting due to the fact that I did not initially know that it was a crisis pregnancy center. I needed documentation of my pregnancy for insurance purposes, and my doctor could not get me in for the first two months. Driving through town, I saw a sign in front of a quaint building that stated, “free proof of pregnancy!” That was exactly what I needed! I immediately stopped in and was granted my proof of pregnancy after a simple urine test. However, it was what came after that made me realize that this pregnancy center was much more than just a place to get a form.
Crisis pregnancy centers exist to help those who have found themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. These centers are often backed by various organizations to provide their services free of charge. Due to the fact that different organizations hold different beliefs and core values, no two crisis pregnancy centers are typically the same. There are many different types of pregnancy centers and many different services that might be offered at each to help a woman get through her unplanned pregnancy and make the hard choices that follow.
A crisis pregnancy center is not typically a medical service provider, though some centers may be licensed to provide limited medical services. You can simply ask if a center is licensed, and they should be forthcoming in providing that information. A crisis pregnancy center will also not likely provide or suggest resources for abortion services. Much of the reasoning for this is that many of these crisis pregnancy centers are funded by faith-based organizations and, therefore, are pro-life.
There are multiple different types of crisis pregnancy centers that you will encounter, and these centers are often non-profits. The crisis pregnancy center I happened upon was easily identified as a Christian-based religious pregnancy center. After taking the pregnancy test, I was required to sit and speak with a counselor about the choices for my pregnancy. They provided me with a lot of information about adoption options as well as resources that were available to me should I choose to parent. They also offered me many free items such as maternity clothing, formula, bottles, and a car seat. At the end of my visit, they had me watch a brief, very detailed documentary about choosing life over abortion.
[dfp_ads id=47]Finding this type of religious crisis pregnancy center will likely be very common in your search. While the women at the clinic I went to were incredibly nice and willing to help, their message was very pro-life. While it was never my intention not to parent and I did not know what I was walking into, the video they showed was quite graphic and intense for me as a newly pregnant young mom. I understand why they use this tactic given their mission, as it was certainly persuasive. However, it was intense and certainly not for everyone.While many of these crisis pregnancy centers will be funded by religious organizations, many of them are still invaluable in helping women and families through their crisis pregnancies. Some crisis pregnancy centers are even able to be state-licensed to provide medical care and support. Other services provided may be help with prenatal needs such as maternity clothes, connection with medical professionals, and even sometimes living assistance. Some of these centers will be there to support women even after the birth of the child, helping provide peer support, lactation consultants, and parenting support. They may even provide for tangible needs such as formula, diapers, car seats, and more.
If you are going to seek out a crisis pregnancy center, there are a few different ways to find a quality organization before checking one out. A simple online search of “crisis pregnancy center” should garner some results of centers in your immediate area. Most search engines now have reviews right on their search pages for businesses and organizations. Look over these reviews to see what you might expect from various crisis pregnancy centers. If the center has a website, take some time to view it. The site and the reviews should give you a basic understanding of the beliefs of the crisis pregnancy center and what services they have to offer. If you feel comfortable, you can also ask people locally if they have any suggestions or have heard anything about the quality of your local crisis pregnancy center. These online reviews and personal testimonies are often telling of the crisis pregnancy center’s overall service level.
Once you have found some crisis pregnancy centers that seem to be what you are looking for, take some time to call them with any questions you may have. Most are simply there with the intention of being helpful and friendly. They will likely kindly answer any questions you may have and provide you with what resources they can, even over the phone. You may even be able to make an appointment to come in and speak with someone regarding what support you may need. Letting the crisis pregnancy center know what services you are looking for and making an appointment may eliminate any pressure for other services or resources of which you are not in need. You can also typically simply drop into the crisis pregnancy center for more information and service. You will find that many of these centers are prepared for emergency needs and support.For more information on crisis pregnancies, you can access multiple articles and resources at Adoption.com. You can also connect with the community groups to ask questions and receive pregnancy-related support. To find out more about crisis pregnancy centers, you can check out more articles and tips on the Adoption.com unplanned pregnancy page. If you find yourself facing a crisis pregnancy, do not be afraid to reach out for support and resources. These centers exist to provide support and care in this very situation. Having these crisis pregnancy centers available to those who need them can be an invaluable resource to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.