Category - Foster & Adoption

One way you can learn about people from different backgrounds is by watching videos. There are many YouTube videos that feature adoption.

Adoption on YouTube

Talking about adoption with members of the adoption triad (child, birth parents, adoptive parents) shows the different experiences and aspects of adoption. You can learn something from all of their stories. They come...

If you were placed in an adoptive family, this Independence Day might be the perfect opportunity to free yourself from some heavy burdens.

Adoption Freedoms: Independence Day

The Fourth of July. Independence Day. A day associated with hot dogs and barbeques, block parties, fireworks, and sparklers. However, as the name “Independence Day” implies, this holiday celebrates the freedoms we have...

Lisa was content with her adoptive family. But when she took a DNA test, she found that she knew her birth mom from TV.

I Saw My Birth Mom on TV

There is a saying that life imitates art. In this case, maybe the art is reminiscent of a television show. This is a real-life story but it has all the elements of something you would see on your television...

The emotions surrouding adoption can run high, and poetry is a great way for individuals to both express and relate to these emotions.

Adoption Poetry

As someone who loves to both read and write poetry, I was thrilled to write an article about adoption poetry. What better way to creatively express feelings of adoption than to turn those feelings into beautiful words...

The Baby Scoop Era was a period in world history when many babies were born to unmarried mothers. Because of societal pressure, adoption.

What was the Baby Scoop Era?

Note: This article focuses on the United States specifically, but the Baby Scoop Era also affected Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom around the same time period.  1939 to 1972. In just 33...

This open letter from an adoptive mother to a birth mother gives some insight to the heartbreak and joy of adopting a child and shares some.

A Letter to a Birth Mother

Dear Birth Mother, I don’t know if I have ever imagined writing a letter to a birth mother. I have so much I want to tell you about the daughter you carried in your womb and will always carry in your heart. I have never...

Birth Fathers can be an overlooked part of the adoption triad, but that doesn't mean they can't be included. Here are some ways to honor.

Honoring Birth Fathers on Father’s Day

One of the members of the adoption triad that is least discussed is the birth father. The birth mother gets most of the attention, rightfully so. Birth fathers are often thought of as little more than a sperm donor, and...

Though they sometimes don't get as much attention as birth mothers, birth fathers are just as important. A birth father can make a positive.

Teaching Adoptees About Birth Fathers

Within the adoptive triad, there is so much discussion about the important relationship between the birth mother, adoptee(s), and adoptive family. It seems as though much of the focus is on the birth mother, but birth...