Adoption Trivia

When it comes to adoption there are a lot of unanswered questions. To those new to the adoption world or those who are just interested, it can all be a bit confusing. Let’s play a game of adoption trivia...

Showing Your Love in the Adoption Triad

Adoption is a wonderful journey for everyone involved in the family triad. What is this “triad,” you may ask? Think of a triangle and how there are three different corners; even though there are three angles...

Unplanned Pregnancy

 “A woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy.” This quote was spoken by actress Patricia Heaton, and I firmly agree with her belief. Unplanned pregnancies...

Movies about Adoption

There are many, many movies about adoption geared towards adults and children alike. However, many movies about adoption often show inaccurate or outdated ideas about what adoption entails. Adoption...

Close Conversations: A Tale Of Addiction, Adoption, And Redemption

I read a book a couple of years ago, Cinder Girl by Christina Meredith. It came to me at the most random time, but also at a time that, now, makes perfect sense. It was a time when someone would come back into...

steps to adopting a child

8 Steps to Adopting a Child

If you’re thinking about starting a family or adding another child into your home, adoption is a loving and very possible option for your forever family. If you’re wondering about where to start and if...

adopting a baby from china

Adopting A Baby From China

History of Adopting A Baby from China The history of adopting a baby from China started in April of 1992 when “China implemented a law enabling foreigners to adopt its orphans. In that year, 206 children were adopted to...

benefits of adopting a child

8 Benefits of Adopting a Child

Current statistics have revealed that it can take up to six years from start to finish to be matched with an infant and finalize an adoption. Sometimes it happens more quickly. Sometimes it takes the full six years...

Adopting a child

6 Things to Do Before Adopting a Child

Adopting a child is a wonderful way to create a family. As you begin researching, it can become really overwhelming. My hope is to break it down into 6 easy categories to make it seem less daunting. You will find as you...

Is it a teenager, one who puts on a strong front but deep inside he or she is waiting to be loved? Is your future child from a foreign land, waiting for...

Babies Waiting for Adoption

“However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle” – Valerie Harper According to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, there are over 125,000 children who are eligible for adoption. Some of those wait an...

In these circumstances, expectant mothers who are considering adoption in GA should assess their needs and let that influence their choice of which...

Adoption in GA

Learn what you can expect as an expectant mother considering adoption in GA. If you are an expectant or birth mother considering adoption in GA, you’ve probably already experienced a whirlwind of questions, decisions...