Category - International

Is it a teenager, one who puts on a strong front but deep inside he or she is waiting to be loved? Is your future child from a foreign land, waiting for...

Babies Waiting for Adoption

“However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle” – Valerie Harper According to the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, there are over 125,000 children who are eligible for adoption. Some of those wait an...

Learning how to adopt a refugee orphan essentially looks very similar to regular foster care, aside from additional paperwork and meeting at the airport...

How to Adopt a Refugee Orphan

You left your home. You have waited years for another mother or father, or perhaps you gave up on the concept of family years ago. The leading problem is not your empty belly, your displaced home and belongings, or the...

How Much Is Adoption through Foster Care? Foster care adoption is when a foster parent adopts their own foster child. This is a wonderful thing because...

How Much Is Adoption?

“I would love to adopt, but it costs too much!” As hard as it is for me to admit, money often deters people from adopting. Many people have commented that while they have considered adoption, it is cost-prohibitive to...

When you ask, “How much does adoption cost?” expecting to hear something reasonable, hearing that adoptions can cost up to $50,000 or more, is enough to...

How Much Does Adoption Cost?

Comprehending the cost of adoption can be an intimidating and confusing first step in the adoption journey for some. For others, it can be a deterrent altogether. When you ask, “How much does adoption cost?” expecting...

adoption events

Songs About Adoption

Music has a way of touching our souls. The right song can make us smile, cry, or reminisce. Hans Christian Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Even in the moments when we struggle to express ourselves...

International adoption cost can be overwhelming. Here is a breakdown so you can understand what to expect with costs that you may incur.

International Adoption Cost

When first beginning the adoption journey, there are many things to consider. Is domestic adoption, international adoption, or adoption from foster care right for you and your family? What does each process look like...

It's important to read all you can about adoption in NY before pursuing it. Whatever member of the triad you may be, there is info here for you.

Adoption In NY

Disclaimer: These laws, rules, and regulations are for those who are adopting babies and children that are living in New York State. The prospective adoptive families are adopting FROM NEW YORK. The Big Apple. I guess...

These are some adoption facts you need to know and consider before you pursue the different types of adoption, whether foster, international, or domestic.

Adoption Facts

Considering adoption? Need a little more information to make an educated decision? Well, you are not alone. Many folks all across America are considering adopting a child, just like you. But you need to be armed with...