Category - How to Adopt

Adoption is present even in the Bible. Here are some important verses about adoption that are in the Bible and may help you in your journey.

Bible Verses About Adoption

I had a plan for my life. I was going to have two car seats and a minivan all before the age of 30. However, God had a different plan for my life. Instead, I would endure a long journey through infertility, resulting in...

A closed adoption is a viable option for some families in adoption although it happens more rarely now than it did in the past.

Closed Adoption

A closed adoption is not as common today as it used to be. In the past, closed adoptions were how most adoptions took place. Birth parents placed their children with a third party (agency or social worker) who then...

If you're looking for adoptions books for anyone in the adoption triad, extended family, friends, or neighbors, click here for a long list.

Adoption Books

A good book can serve many purposes. It can educate people, spark emotions, enlighten the mind, and provide entertainment. There are many wonderful books on the subject of adoption. Whether a reader is looking for...

If you're unsure about adopting a teenager, then look into it more. Infant adoption is not inherently better than teen adoption.

Adopting a Teenager

Are you considering adopting a teenager? If you are then it is likely a foster care adoption, stepparent adoption, or a kinship adoption. Most people don’t think about adopting teens when they think about adoption. Most...

It's easy to design great adoption announcements with these tips. However, you also need to be cautious and be willing to wait before posting.

Adoption Announcements

Adoption is different from having a natural family in many ways, one being the timeline of your journey. Not knowing the duration of your time until match or the time from match until birth makes adoption a tough thing...

If you're looking into getting an adoption home study done then read here to see what the process may be like and what to be aware of.

Adoption Home Study

Completing an adoption home study is the social services equivalent of having a root canal…without anesthesia! But, like a root canal, it is necessary. An adoption home study is an investigative report that gives a...

Here is a comprehensive overview of the adoption tax credit, how to qualify, and how to keep track of all of your relevant adoption expenses.

Adoption Tax Credit

If you have done any research regarding adoption, I am sure you are concerned about the cost of adoption. It should come as no surprise that adoption can cost anywhere from nothing up to $50,000. I urge you not to be...

If you're thinking of foster care adoption then you should read this to prepare yourself first. Keep in mind that you can do this.

Foster Care Adoption

“I could never do what you do.” I could not even begin to imagine how many times I’ve heard this, said this, and felt this. It is the single most-used line in conversations surrounding foster care adoption. It is real...

Interested in learning more about adoption around the world? Click here for some interesting adoption statistics to learn more about adoption.

Adoption Statistics

A Maddening, Hopeful, and Heart-Wrenching, World We Can Change. There aren’t just 140,000,000 case files sitting on desks today. No. A population, nearly the size of Russia, lives without security, without hope...

If you're interesting in adoption in Kansas then click here to read more about how to qualify and what the whole process looks like.

Adoption In Kansas

Anyone who has considered adoption has probably been overwhelmed with the amount of information there is out there regarding adoption. This article will give you a brief overview of adoption in Kansas. I will attempt...